Influential & International Readership

With over 1.5 million readers in almost every country and a reputation for insightful analysis and opinion on every aspect of world events, The Economist is one of the most widely recognised and well-read current affairs publications. The weekly paper has sections about each region of the world, plus science and technology, and books and arts.
The Economist is read by independently-minded people curious about the world around them. Readers are men and women, young and old, the successful and the aspiring, who are turned on by fresh ideas, innovations and opportunities.
Economist readers, both online and off are Ideas People, for whom The Economist offers the opportunity to fuel their own thinking; challenge their opinions on events; and satisfy their curiosity about the world.
The Economist audience isn’t just vast; it’s discerning. Comprising C-suite and high-net-worth individuals, young innovators, seasoned professionals, and those with an insatiable curiosity, The Economist reaches the minds that matter. This is an audience that values fresh ideas, seeks opportunities, and is always ready for the next big thing.
Insightful Analysis Across Multiple Platforms

Through, The Economist provides insight, analysis and community for audiences to explore and engage. The Economist digital app is also accessible through mobile devices and tablets. is a trusted source comprising content from the weekly magazine, daily online-only columns, multimedia content and robust interactive community features that stimulate intelligent conversation and debate.